Has Your Application For Visitor Visa For Australia Been Cancelled? Get Legal Advice

July 31, 2020    Immigrationlawyers
Has Your Application For Visitor Visa For Australia Been Cancelled? Get Legal Advice

Do you wish to visit Australia for tourism or business activity?

Then, obtain a visitor visa from the Australian immigration department right now. This visa lets you visit Australia   either as a tourist or business professional. The business activity can either be attending a conference or an exploratory or negotiation based visit. The tourist activity can be a recreation, visiting friends or family or simply holidays. Conversely, you may at times have to face the cancellation of your visitor visa as well.

Get High-Quality Legal Assistance

When you have to face the abrupt rejection or cancellation of your visitor visa, it leaves you mentally devastated. Without an optimum legal assistance, resolving the cancellation of your visitor visa would be next to impossible.

The top immigration lawyers Perth can definitely help you in this regard. These lawyers understand that obtaining a visitor visa requires you to undergo a stringent and complex procedure. So, when your visa gets cancelled, nothing can be more distressing than that.

Make An Impeccable Appeal For Your Visa Cancellation

Hiring a top-notch immigration lawyer in Perth is immensely beneficial to eradicate the sudden cancellation of your visitor visa. The top immigration lawyers in Perth can help you to appeal your case to the Australian Court. Your lawyer has the right knowledge and acumen to mitigate the cancellation of your visitor visa in a successful manner.

Common Reasons Of The Cancellation Of Your Visitor Visa

Well, there are common reasons which can lead to the cancellation of your Australian visa. This includes a visitor visa as well. So, what are those reasons which can make you face your visitor visa’s cancellation can be considered below.

  • Provision of fake information in your visitor visa’s application.
  • Non-compliance to the pertinent character requirements and
  • Non-conformity to the conditions of your visitor visa.

It may happen that you are staying in Australia for the sake of immigration clearance. Then, the Australian immigration department will apprise you of your intention to get your visitor visa cancelled. This will give you the scope to cite valid reasons for which your visitor visa shouldn’t be cancelled or rejected.

Who Can Cancel Your Visitor Visa?

There are a number of dignitaries working in Australian immigration department. The fact is not every of these officials has the right to cancel your visitor visa. It is only the immigration Minister who can officially approve, refuse or cancel your visitor visa. If not, then one of the prominent dignitaries working under the immigration Minister has the right to do that.

Why Choose The Best Immigration Lawyers In Perth?

The sector of immigration in Australia is indeed quite complicated. More importantly, when you face the abrupt cancellation of your visitor visa, nothing can be more resentful than that. Here where the importance of the top immigration lawyers of Perth lies.

Each of the immigration circumstances needs a different type of language. In this context, the cancellation of your visitor visa cannot be an exception either. The top immigration lawyer in Perth will incorporate a compatible lingo which is in the best favour of your case.

Get Over Your Visitor Visa Cancellation Quickly And Efficiently

Want to overcome the issue of your visitor visa cancellation quickly and easily? If yes then your next decision will be to hire a top-notch immigration lawyer in Perth. Firstly, your lawyer will evaluate the grounds on which you had to face the cancellation of your visitor visa.

Then, your lawyer will ask you to submit all the indispensable documents to him or her on time. After that, your lawyer will carefully explain you the nitty-gritty pertaining to your visitor visa cancellation issue.

Go Ahead

Don’t think that the service of the top immigration lawyer in Perth will end here. After elucidating you your legal case and receiving all the crucial documents from you, your lawyer will initiate the case.

Furthermore, your lawyer will present your case to the Court of Australia. While doing so, your lawyer will make the use of a highly stupendous and convincing language. This way, your visa lawyer will yield the best outcome related to the issue of your visitor visa cancellation.

Other Reasons Leading To The Cancellation Of Your Visitor Visa

There are some reasons as well which can lead to the cancellation of your visitor visa. A brief introduction to some of these reasons can be considered below.

  • Bribery For Sponsorship: If you are found with bribing for the sponsorship related to your visitor visa, then it will get cancelled. The Australian immigration department will ascertain some specific circumstances before that. To do this they will ensure that you were involved with other people while committing the activity. Simultaneously, they will also ensure that you did the same to satiate a dire motive. They will proclaim you as guilty of bribing for sponsor after confirming these two circumstances.
  • Failure To Pass The Character Test: The Australian immigration department requires its applicants to pass a substantial character test before granting their visa. If you fail to qualify in this test, they will cancel your visitor visa as well. They will do this if you have been found with a previous record of 12 months imprisonment. The DoHA will also cancel your visa if you’re involved in a sexual offence specifically including a child before.

So, these were two of the other reasons which can lead to the cancellation of your visitor visa.

Have you also faced the unexpected cancellation of your visitor visa due to any of these reasons?

If yes, then appoint any of the best immigration solicitors in Perth. Your hired lawyer will mitigate the cancellation of your visitor visa in the best possible way. As already told above, the immigration legislations of Australia are extremely complicated. Your hired lawyer will resolve your case by adhering to these legislations.

Final Thoughts!

So, have your visitor visa been cancelled all of a sudden? Then, hire the best visa lawyer today! Your lawyer will leave no stone unturned to ensure the best verdict of your visitor visa cancellation issue.

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